Sunday, September 23, 2012

The possiblity of Evil

"As long as evil existed unchecked in the world, it was Miss Strangeworth's duty to keep her town to keep her town alert to it."


  1. It sounds wierd, as if Miss Strangeworth is a hero in the town and help save people's lives or something. But actually, it was what she thought to herself, "there were so many wicked people in the world and only one Strangeworth left in the town." Before this quote, Miss Strangeworth to me is a warm out looking and kind old woman, but now it seems she've got some mental problem. She's unaware that she is actually the one that kept making this world evil.

  2. Maybe Miss.Strangeworth thinks that she is the person to keep the town notified of upcoming possibilities of evil, but others may mistake her as a rumor spreader.
